LASSI-L: The Loewenstein-Acevedo Scales for Semantic Interference and Learning

A test used for detecting cognitive changes in people at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

The Challenge

With the aging of the population, it has become a global priority to detect the earliest signs of cognitive and functional change. Early detection of subtle cognitive decline has been quite challenging until the development of the LASSI-L.


Cognitive Functioning

In the US, there are approximately 56 million people aged 65+, and age is the greatest risk factor for dementia-related cognitive decline. Many people in this age-group are concerned about their cognitive functioning. i-Function provides clinicians and researchers empirically designed and thoroughly studied cognitive outcome measures, among them, the LASSI-L, which is used to detect cognitive changes in people at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The LASSI-L detects cognitive changes that have been associated with biological markers of AD brain pathology such as amyloid imaged using PET/CT, and cortical atrophy in AD prone brain regions.

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Widely Studied

The LASSI-L has been widely studied by investigators both in the U.S. and abroad. The scientific and clinically relevant findings of the LASSI-L have yielded several important peer-reviewed publications. The LASSI-L can differentiate individuals who have normal cognitive aging from those who may be at risk for neurodegeneration of the brain. The LASSI-L is administered by an examiner in paper and pencil format. It is available in English and Spanish for both clinical and research use. To obtain licensed copies please provide relevant information via the i-Function website contact page or write to

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In addition to the classic LASSI-L paper and pencil version, a Digital version; the LASSI-D, is almost ready for launch and shows great promise. The LASSI-D is a self-administered version of the LASSI-L and available on both computers and tablets (under the supervision of a healthcare provider). The LASSI-D™ will likely be available in Q2/Q3 2024 and is highly likely to markedly broaden the accessibility of the assessment.

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For clinicians and researchers

  • Taps a specific array of memory and learning abilities using a novel paradigmatic approach sensitive to early disease
  • Provides a ability to elicit proactive interference effects (PSI) shown to be highly diagnostic and robustly related to AD biomarkers
  • Taps failure to recover from proactive semantic interference not measured by any available cognitive tests
  • Maximally elicits semantic intrusions that have shown strong diagnostic accuracy as well as association with biomarkers of neurodegeneration such as structural MRI, functional dysconnectivity measured by fMRI, and amyloid visualized by PET/CT
  • Has been successfully utilized in both published national and international studies, achieving validation for use in different language and cultures
  • Complements existing standardized assessments with increased validity for trials
  • Requires less specialized staff
  • Has been validated with underserved populations and is available in both English and Spanish
  • Can enhance diagnostic accuracy and help to create more specific and personalized treatment plans
  • Provides access to normative data on general and specialized populations
  • Is priced to make it available to most researchers and clinicians
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