“With the aging of the population, it has become a global priority to detect the earliest signs of cognitive and functional change. Early detection of cognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s disease provides the best opportunities for interventions for both preventative and delaying measures.”

LASSI-L™: The Loewenstein-Acevedo Scales for Semantic Interference and Learning
√ Can differentiate between older adults who are cognitively normal from those with the earliest stages of amnestic MCI (aMCI) and preMCI more effectively than most other traditional neuropsychological measures.
√ Performance has been related to amyloid PET and plasma biomarkers of AD in people with amnestic MCI.
√ Is highly sensitive to the risk for transition to dementia within an approx. 2-3 year timeframe among people with amnestic MCI.
√ Excellent in detecting those who are progressing (89% Sensitivity) and very good at accurately identifying those who are not (86% Specificity).
√ Has shown equally high discriminant validity in populations that have been underrepresented in Alzheimer’s disease research, namely, Hispanics and African Americans.
√ Is well documented with research funded by the NIH and published in several high impact scientific journals.
√ Is available in both English and Spanish.
√ Is administered by a trained examiner in paper and pencil format and manually scored.
LASSI-D™: A brief digital cloud-based self-administered version of the LASSI-L™
√ Is highly convergent with the LASSI-L™.
√ Shows convincing evidence of the utility of a fully self-administered computerized cognitive challenge test.
√ Is documented with published research funded by the NIH.
√ Is available in both English and Spanish.
√ Provides standardized administration, instant access to automated scoring results and clear recommendations for follow-up.
√ Assessment set-up by any healthcare professional takes less than 5 minutes.
√ Works on most computers and tablets with a Wi-Fi or cellular internet connection and a good quality microphone.
√ Training video instruction is available within the LASSI-D™ admin portal.
√ Access to the LASSI-D™ Assessments can be purchased online.
Who Can Potentially Benefit
√ Adults older than 65 years.
√ Adults older than 50 years with one or more close relatives who had dementia.
Recommended Use
√ As a yearly screening test (e.g., Medicare Annual Wellness Visit) for individuals over the age of 65.
√ As a value-adding supplement to currently used assessments such as the MoCA or MMSE in individuals who appear cognitively normal despite the presence of other risk factors such as family history or subjective memory complaints.
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